Welcome to the official World Polo Tour ranking.
This ranking is constantly updated; each player is ranked according to his/her performance, during the course of the year, in the main tournaments around the world. Points are accumulated during the year; prizes are awarded to the each month's best player and to the overall best player of the year.
# | Name | Nationality | Points | Status |
1301 | Vroninks, Vincent | Belgium | 0 | Amateur |
1302 | Wade, Tristan | United Kingdom | 0 | Amateur |
1303 | Wadwha, Mark | United Kingdom | 0 | Amateur |
1304 | Walentas, David | United States | 0 | Amateur |
1305 | Wales, Duncan | United Kingdom | 0 | Amateur |
1306 | Walker, Dan | United States | 0 | Amateur |
1307 | Walker, Henry | United States | 0 | Amateur |
1308 | Walton, Charlie | United Kingdom | 0 | Amateur |
1309 | Warr, Nigel | United Kingdom | 0 | Amateur |
1310 | Waters, Kristy | United States | 0 | Amateur |
1311 | Webb, Alexandre | United Kingdom | 0 | Amateur |
1312 | White, Henry | United Kingdom | 0 | Amateur |
1313 | White, Harry | United Kingdom | 0 | Amateur |
1314 | White, William Francis | United Kingdom | 0 | Amateur |
1315 | Wigdahl, David | United States | 0 | Amateur |
1316 | Wiles, Nick | United Kingdom | 0 | Amateur |
1317 | Williams, John | United Kingdom | 0 | Amateur |
1318 | Williams, Evelyn | United Kingdom | 0 | Amateur |
1319 | Wilson, Ben | United Kingdom | 0 | Amateur |
1320 | Winterhalder, Annabelle | Belgium | 0 | Amateur |
1321 | Wirth, Jerome | France | 0 | Amateur |
1322 | Wolfensberger, Thomas | Germany | 0 | Amateur |
1323 | Woodhouse, Rex | United Kingdom | 0 | Amateur |
1324 | Xu, Brian | China | 0 | Amateur |
1325 | Young, Spencer | South Africa | 0 | Amateur |
1326 | Zavalia Paunero, Juan | Argentina | 0 | Amateur |
1327 | Zekri, Dato Mohammad | Malaysia | 0 | Amateur |
1328 | Zekrya, Daoud | United Kingdom | 0 | Amateur |
1329 | Zenni, Jim | United States | 0 | Amateur |
1330 | Zindel, Lucas | Switzerland | 0 | Amateur |
1331 | Zogbi, Rubens | Brazil | 0 | Amateur |
1332 | Zographos, Yanni | Egypt | 0 | Amateur |
1333 | Zorin, Alexei | Russia | 0 | Amateur |
1334 | Zubillaga, Rafael | Venezuela | 0 | Amateur |
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